CRM Triage: Salesforce Health Check

Get a free Salesforce Health Check. Improve visibility across your org, strengthen data integrity and accuracy, and increase sales effectiveness and efficiency with a Salesforce health check.

CRM Triage: Salesforce Health Check

Get a free Salesforce Health Check. Improve visibility across your org, strengthen data integrity and accuracy, and increase sales effectiveness and efficiency with a Salesforce health check.

CRM Triage: Salesforce Health Check

March Calendar

Are you using Salesforce to its fullest potential for your business?

Are you following best practices?
Do you know what’s in your database?
Have you kept your software up to date?

If you have said no to any of these questions it’s time to evaluate the health of your Salesforce environment. We know business strategies evolve and you change your tactics and processes to meet those demands, but have you aligned your processes in Salesforce for optimum performance and results?

Full Potential
CRM Triage, Just What the Doctor Ordered

A CRM Triage is just what the doctor ordered.

During the CRM Triage, we will review your current usage of your CRM, introduce you to the latest productivity features, and recommend best practices for utilization of the latest technologies.

We will identify:

Salesforce CRM and features not being utilized

Areas where best practices and data governance is not

Incomplete or poorly structured configurations

Absence of security protocols

Deviations from standards of maintainability

Ideas and opportunities to improve your results

Review of new features

We will identify